Pathways 2024 – 2026
The Pathways Programme is aimed at adults of all ages who wish to explore issues and questions of faith, ministry and the Church today in an environment of learning, sharing and Adult Faith Development.
About the Course
The programme is run by the Archdiocese of Dublin, over two years, from late September to late May each year. It takes place on Thursday evenings from 7.00pm – 9.30 pm in DCU St. Patrick’s Campus, (Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education), Drumcondra Road Upper, Dublin, 9.
The next starting date for the programme will be on Thursday 26th September 2024. Early application is advisable as places will be limited.
Who is the Course for?
This course is suitable for women and men of all ages and from all walks of life who are looking for an opportunity to consider questions about faith, belief and Church today.
Course Aims
The course values the life experience which the participants bring and, accordingly, group sharing is an integral part of the learning process each year. The course also offers a variety of inputs which will enable participants to explore their faith with greater confidence. It also helps assist people to prepare themselves to respond to the needs of the Church and community and to work in partnerships and parish teams.
Course Entry Requirements
The main requirements are
- a desire to explore faith
- openness to participation
- a willingness to listen
- an interest in new ideas and approaches to ministry.
No academic qualifications and no previous study in theology or spirituality are necessary. There is no required written work and there are no exams.
Course Cost
Fees are €400 each year. Fees may be paid in full at the beginning of each year or in instalments throughout each year. Part or full sponsorship may be available from some parishes. Please contact us to discuss the possibility of a bursary if payment is difficult.
Course Content
Over the course of the two years there are a number of modules with a variety of inputs and small group sharing on faith issues. Year 1 includes a lot of informational input and Year 2 has a focus on ministry.
There are also a number of retreat experiences for participants.
Year 1 Modules:
1. WELCOME: Images of God and Jesus, Faith journey, Discipleship and Synodality
2. WORSHIP: Aspects of Liturgy & Mass and liturgical practices
3. WORD: Understanding scripture and how to use it
4. WHAT IS CHURCH?: The Church and Church teaching from Vatican II
5. SACRAMENTS: Sacraments of Initiation, Healing and Commitment, RCIA and Sacramental Preparation
Year 2 Modules:
6. WITNESS: Call of Baptism, young people and social justice
7. WORSHIP 2: Leading prayer and liturgy and parish ministries
8. WORD 2: Bible study, Lectio, Imaginative Contemplation and Small Faith Sharing groups
9. PARISH: Pastoral Councils, Communal Discernment, Co-Responsibility, Developing Ministries, Pastoral Planning
10. CALLED TO MINISTRY: Catechesis, Accompaniment, Servant Leadership, Journeying with Adults
This year’s course in now full so registration is now closed.
To download a pdf printable copy of this poster please click the image.
For further information please contact:
Peter Siney, Pathways Course Coordinator
Diocesan Office for Mission and Ministry, St Paul’s Church, 19 Arran Quay, Dublin 7, D07 KX66
Tel: 01 808 7536
Mobile: 086 066 3415